
Hola! A little about me...I'm a Jesus loving, coffee drinking, relationally driven, culture appreciating, justice seeking, Spanish speaking college student currently living and studying in Cordoba (accent on the first o), Argentina. Bienvenidos! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures, mishaps, successes, and of course, complete failures (because this would be no fun if everything went smoothly).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I can't believe it

I leave tomorrow.  I'm freaking out. But not for the reasons one would assume.  I'm freaking out because I am so unusually calm about this.  I have had friends and family members cry saying goodbye to me, and I just stand there, and rather than feeling the sadness they seem to be feeling, I feel fine.  I feel weirdly, oddly, extremely unusually fine and seemingly not bothered by the fact that I will be leaving this place for six whole months.  I know it's happening, but I don't think it will be truly validated until I am there and getting acquainted in my new home, with my new family, speaking a new language, in a new country.  I think maybe when the realization of the length of this journey resonates with me, as well as when I feel the first tinges of missing people from home, I will have that break-down moment.  That 'cry until you can't anymore, look at old pictures, read old letters, sob your heart out' moment of utter pain and realization.  I hope that I feel those emotions at some point.  I hope that they are strong and true and that I can let them be present for enough time to feel the capacity and depth of them, and then let them go.  I have to let those emotions go, because if I don't they will hold me back from being present in Argentina and from living in the moment while there.  I also must let those emotions go because they are only a part of how I'm sure I will be feeling at that point in time.  I know for a fact that I will remain excited and willing to learn (mistakes included, of course).

As for now, I remain undisturbed, as I pack my life away into 2 suitcases and 1 backpack.  Now let me preface this by saying I HATE PACKING.  Like hate it.  Like I would rather being doing almost anything else.  I either pack too much, too little, or just forget something very important.  Therefore, this was a process, and being done now with both suitcases weighing in at just under the weights the plane allows, is an accomplishment.  And now, I sit back, relax, put my feet up, and begin to think of the things that I forgot to pack.

And there they are - my friends for the next two days as I travel to Argentina (notice the backpack is still open because I am shoving everything I've forgotten into it!)

Well here I go!  Tonight I will say the rest of my goodbyes and tomorrow morning I will head to Newark, New Jersey.  From there I will fly to Panama City, Panama, and then I will fly to Córdoba, Argentina...my new home and 'el gran desconocido'!


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