
Hola! A little about me...I'm a Jesus loving, coffee drinking, relationally driven, culture appreciating, justice seeking, Spanish speaking college student currently living and studying in Cordoba (accent on the first o), Argentina. Bienvenidos! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures, mishaps, successes, and of course, complete failures (because this would be no fun if everything went smoothly).

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

and I will call upon Your name

Have you heard the song Oceans by Hillsong United?  If you haven't, you should listen to it.  It's on replay for me right now.

About three hours ago I was robbed.  I was walking home from the mall and had finally arrived at my house.  Here in Cordoba, each house has a large gate in front of it.  Behind the gate there is a very short walkway that leads to the front door.  Everyone here has a key to their gate and a key to their house.  Myself included.  When I reached my house, I opened the gate, and immediately turned around to shut it and lock it with my key.  As I was fiddling with my keys in my hand to get the right one to lock the gate, a motorcycle pulled up directly in front of me.  At first I wondered if the two men on the motorcycle were friends of my host family.  That thought passed quickly as the men got off of their motorcycle and began to push open the gate that I was trying to lock it.  I fought as much as I could and yelled "No, no, no, dejame sola (leave me alone), NOOOO" but they were quickly able to out push me and opened the gate.  I turned and ran with all of my might towards the front door of my house, but it was locked.  I knew I was done; the had me cornered.  They immediately grabbed me, took my purse threw me on the ground, and left.  This all happened within about 15 seconds.  I laid on the ground screaming and crying as my host family (and every other person who lives on my street) ran outside to me.

They took everything.  In my purse was my iphone (and only means of taking pictures), the phone that I bought yesterday to use while here, my debit card, credit card, license, health insurance cards, my universitario id, my favorite chapstick, some pesos, travelers visa, bus card and whatever else was in there.  I feel invaded.  I know I am okay, and I am so grateful for that, but I feel like someone took parts of me that I wish I had back.  The money doesn't matter to me, and the cards have all been cancelled as well as the phones, but I just feel sad that someone felt the need to go to that extreme.   I feel sad, and I feel scared that this horrible experience will hinder me from living and exploring as much as possible while here.

As I was talking to my sister after I had calmed down and was able to breathe, she told me shes been listening to the song Oceans by Hillsong United.  I have heard this song 10057435801374560134 times before (approximately), but in that moment I needed the reminder of exactly who is watching over me.

Should I maybe be more cautious?  Yes, absolutely.  But do I need to feel scared? No, not at all.  I've got the best police officer, fire fighter, navy seal, army general, know-all papa looking out for me and loving me all the time.  And the crazy thing is that He's also loving the two men who robbed me.  He's so kind-hearted, gracious, pure, and perfect that He can love even those who we find almost impossible to love.  In an odd sort of way I find comfort in the fact that maybe God knew that those men needed my 40 pesos (about $5) in order to survive or feed their families.  Maybe that money and the rides left on my bus card went to exactly who they needed to go to.  Maybe, just maybe, I can find some love for those men.  I just hope that no one else has to experience what I did, because it does leave one with the vulnerable feeling that your personal space has been penetrated.  That feeling is uncomfortable, but I am grateful that I need not fear.  I can be at rest in the comfort of knowing that "You've never failed and You won't start now" (Oceans).



  1. Kerri, I am praying for you. You will overcome this. I am praying for God's protection for you. I am praying the words of Psalm 91 for you. Love you.

  2. Ker, can't say I would be so understanding of two thugs, but I love you! Dad

  3. Crying again....love u and ur outlook. Says so much abt the person u r and I looked up Psalm 91....gives so much hope and clarity to know u need not be afraid...

  4. Also...I have an old iPhone I want to send u...Skype me ur address ASAP!

  5. So sorry this happened to you Kerri but so proud of the way you are handling it. The Mrs. And I love you very much.

    1. <3 The Mrs. and I <3 Love it! Thank you for reading and being encouraging! Love you and miss you!

  6. Came across this in my devotion and thought it was so fitting:

    Even strong trials cannot blow down a person who is rooted in God.

    Based on the scripture Jeremiah 17:5-10

    1. Such a great scripture...thank you for telling me about it! Miss and love you!

  7. Hey Kerri, I am so sorry that happened to you. I am praying that the rest of your trip is filled with only good experiences. You have an amazing outlook, which is so wonderful to hear..Sending lot's of ((((hugs)))) and kisses your way. BTW I will certainly omit this part while reading your blog to Gram :) She sends her love too, and Patrick asked about your trip the other day too. Natalie asked how your adventure was going as well.. I only got a small snort, lick and Woof from Lucky dog..( I think that means ( Oh Hi) lol. Be well, Have fun, Be You :)

    1. Thank you so much for all of the love!!! I miss you guys and gram! Tell Natalie and Patrick I said hi and I hope they are doing well! Love you!

  8. Kerri, I am sorry to hear about the robbery. My heart goes out to you, but am so impressed with you. The situation that Satan wanted to bring into your life to cause you to live in fear has caused you to trust more in God and realize how BIG God truly is and how He is always there for you. In a situation, we get to choose who we will allow to lead our thoughts. You have chosen to follow the thoughts that God has about the different situations that happen. So proud of you. Realize that you are a plant that has been uprooted from your garden and has been transplanted in an unfamiliar soil. It will take time for you to get accustomed to it, but your roots will become firm and you will reach your potential. I am so proud of you and in awe of the Amazing Woman that you are. Keep on keeping on!!!!!!! This is David Garlock

    1. Thank you, David, so much for the encouragement! I really appreciate it!

  9. Kerri, que triste que hayas vivido esta mala experiencia, me parece muy noble la forma en que la has asumido, es cierto que muchas personas se ven obligadas a robar para poder alimentar a sus familias y sobrevivir y esto por falta de oportunidades -no es una justificacion pero si una realidad- . Debes ser cuidadosa y tomar precauciones. Ahora vives en una ciudad muy grande, ya no estas en York, ni en los suburbs here ;) no muestres objetos de valor, ni tu celular en la calle, no display dinero, no des "oportunidad" para que te roben y NUNCA te opongas a un robo, si ya estas en esa situacion -lo cual espero sea JAMAS- entrega tus cosas, deja que tomen lo que necesiten y que se alejen rapido. Lo material se recupera nuevamente, pero no tu integridad o tu salud.... No dejes que esta mala experiencia arruine tus sentimientos acerca del pais y de su gente....
